
Is Artificial Turf Safe for My Dog?

So, your dog’s been sniffing around asking about artificial turf. Or maybe he’s just sniffing around. He sniffs everything, right? What’s up with that?

Actually, maybe it’s you wondering about artificial turf and dogs. Because real turf and dogs are not the best combo. 

They pee on it and turn it yellow or brown. They dig it up. They eat it. Their poop sticks to it and makes a mess. They track mud and sand into the house. It’s a pain. 

What about dogs and synthetic grass? Is it safe for dogs? What are the pros and cons? 

customer patio artificial turf with dog and family
Let’s sniff around for some answers. 

First, What Exactly Is It?

Artificial turf is made from plastic, synthetic fibers that look just like real grass. It‘s manufactured kind of like a carpet, with a hard backing and fibers that are machine stitched onto it. 

Artificial turf has come a long way in the past couple decades, with advancements in manufacturing that make it look surprisingly like real grass. 

There are even varieties specifically designed for dogs, with shorter, stiffer grass blades, flow-through backing for better drainage and antimicrobial technology built into the blades.

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Artificial Lawns and Dogs: It’s Safe, with Precautions

Artificial grass backing, once kind of flimsy, is now thick and sturdy. It’s really tough for a dog to get to it if he wanted to chew it. It’s even a challenge for installers to cut the stuff.

What if Fido tries to eat the turf? Most artificial pet grasses are made of polyethylene, a widely used plastic and the same material found in children's toys and other household items. 

But beware of lead. Older or imported artificial grass backings might be treated with lead, which can hurt your pet if he eats it. Make sure your installer is reputable and uses only lead-free, non-toxic artificial grass, made or inspected in the United States.

Dogs and Synthetic Grass: What’s Your Infill? 

Infill is a crucial component of artificial turf. It’s the material added to the turf after installation to keep the turf blades standing up straight. It also acts as a weight to keep turf from shifting. 

Some companies use sand infill because it’s the cheapest option. But sand can encourage mold and mildew issues that can affect a dog’s health. It can also absorb odors. 

Rubber infill is common, too, but it’s often black and can increase the temperature of your artificial turf and be too hot for your dog’s paws.

Here at Tropical Gardens we use Envirofill, little green beads that are non-toxic, inhibit mold and are the best option for dogs and artificial turf. Anti- microbial protection is infused into Envirofill during the manufacturing process to help prevent the growth of bacteria and microbes that can cause stains and odors. Bonus: the green color blends perfectly with the turf. 

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Artificial Turf and Dogs: The Advantages 

Why consider artificial turf for Bruno?

It Stays Green

Dog urine turns natural grass yellow and it’s tough to green it up again. But artificial turf stays green all the time. Even your dog will be amazed, once he stops fixating on that squirrel. 


Easy Cleanup

Artificial turf is shorter in height, like a carpet, and stiffer than regular grass. Poop sits on top and lifts right off. (Excuse the poop talk, but it’s unavoidable in a paragraph about artificial turf and dogs.)

Dog urine drains through it. We excavate 4-6 inches of soil then add crushed concrete for great drainage. 

During drought season here in Sarasota, FL, when there isn’t as much rain, you’ll need to hose it off more frequently. 

Wash off any stains with mild soap and water.

Fewer Fleas and Bugs

There’s no food source, so bugs hit the road. That means fewer of them on your pooch.

Allergies? Nope

Some dogs have grass allergies. Artificial turf is a good choice for their health. 

No Dirt or Mud with Synthetic Turf and Dogs

Muddy paws? Maybe, but you can’t blame it on your lawn if it’s artificial grass. 

Easy Maintenance

Your dog doesn’t care, but this is great news for you. All that tedious lawn maintenance is ruff, right? Artificial turf means no mowing. No watering. No weeding. Be aware once Princess realizes how much extra time you have, she’ll expect more walks. 

No fertilizing, weed control, insect control, fungus control  — all chemicals that are applied to natural grass. 


You Save Water 

This saves money, and it also conserves a valuable resource that’s used in huge amounts for lawn care.  

Dogs and Synthetic Grass: The Disadvantages 

Is there anything about artificial turf and dogs that should give you paws, er, pause? 


Artificial turf costs more than sod to install. But while it’s more expensive up front, you could save money over time on maintenance. Or tell your dog to get off his doggone duff and get a job to help with the expense. Enough of the freeloading. 

Hot Paws

Synthetic grass can get hot for Bubba’s paws. Because it’s plastic, artificial grass gets hotter than natural surfaces like grass and dirt under the midday sun. But it cools down quickly and stays cool under shade or cloud cover. Some Sarasota FL homeowners keep their irrigation systems so they can easily rinse off the turf to cool it off. 

It Can Get Smelly

If you don't clean it well, it will smell. Hosing the turf down with a water hose regularly and treating it with bleach or vinegar helps eliminate odors. 

Artificial Turf and Dogs: Right for You? Talk to Us 

Want to swap dog stories? We’ve had four dogs and artificial turf for eight years. Ask us anything. 

Chew on this info and let’s get started.  We’ll help you figure it all out. designer customer presentation 5
Give us a call or fill out our form today! Our team of Sarasota designers can’t wait to help you with your lawn for your home or vacation rental property.

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