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5 Outdoor Lighting Options for a Tropical Oasis

When you drive by a house with amazing tropical landscape lighting, it almost looks magical. 

Did palm tree fairies tiptoe in and cast those palms in a golden glow? 

Did those flickering tiki torches sprout from some ancient mystic dust? 

Heck, even that skateboard some kid left in the driveway looks good, cast in the glow from those awesome path lights. 

Nope, it’s not magic. Just skilled tropical outdoor lighting design, combined with a few tried and true fixtures and techniques. 

Every type of lighting has its purpose, from hard-working uplights and path lights to fun stuff like bistro lights and tiki torches. 

night landscape lights paver driveway 2

Let’s break it down to a few of our favorite

1. The Beauty of Uplighting

Even if you’ve never paid much attention to landscape lighting, you’ve noticed uplights. They’re a staple of tropical landscape lighting. 

When you see a majestic palm basking in the glow of golden light, that’s uplighting.

Uplights do what they say they do — they shed light up at a landscaping feature from below.

When it comes to palm tree lighting ideas, hello, uplights. They perfectly illuminate those lovely arching canopies and impressive textured trunks. 

landscape lighting uplighting on palm tree

Palm trees are already pretty cool. Light them from below, and your yard looks like rich people live there.

Uplighting is flexible, too. Lights come in various widths and wattages to allow for flexibility so each tree can get just the right look. 

Got statues? Fountains? Don’t leave those beauties in the dark. Uplighting is great for illuminating them, too. 

2. Wall Wash Lighting 

This versatile lighting offers even illumination over a wide surface.

You name it, it’ll probably look instantly impressive after dark with a soft wash of outdoor tropical lights. 

A brick garden wall. Your hibiscus tree. An outdoor fireplace. Your bougainvillea. Stunning outdoor art. Your cool bottle palm. Even your teen-ager, if he sits in one place long enough.

A wall wash light is a dependable multi-tasker. 


3. Path Lights

Yes, path lights light your path. But in a creative landscape designer’s hands, they can do even more in your tropical landscape lighting. 

Path lights hang out along the edges of your path, aiming the light down and to the side of the fixture, lighting up paths and walkways for both safety and appeal.

Fixtures come in all sorts of styles, from classic designs that look like mushrooms (a very trendy look right now) to sleek contemporary designs that look like they could light hallways on the Starship Enterprise. 

Choose fixtures that complement your home and look nice, because they’re visible as visitors stroll up to your front door.

But don’t limit what path lights can do for your tropical outdoor lighting. We love using the Amp brand MagnumPro in planting beds to light annual flowers or low-growing plants. You’ll love the look. 

And here’s a stunner: In-lite makes path lighting that creates a starry pattern of tiny lights across your path. It’s like looking at a starry night sky, except you’re looking down. 

Go ahead, have some fun!

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4. Bistro Lights

Why not? 

Strings of festive bistro lights are a natural for tropical outdoor lighting, lending a party atmosphere to any old night.

String them over your patio or deck. Even if you’re just out there making out the grocery list or doing your taxes, it’s automatically more fun. 

And they work great to illuminate a romantic dinner for two. When’s the last time you got some romance going? (Discussing dining room paint colors doesn’t count.)

Pro tip: There’s no reason to connect these string lights to the rest of your tropical outdoor lighting. 

You don’t need them on all the time. In fact, if they’re on all the time they’ll compete with your other landscape lighting, and you don’t want that. 

Have an electrician install an outdoor outlet with a switch inside the house so you can turn them on only when you want to use them.

Genius, right? 

5. Tiki Torches 

Absolutely. They’re the ultimate outdoor tropical lights. 

Dare you to say “tiki torches” without smiling. And starting the blender. 

They even make tiki torches that also function as path lights when you’re not using the torch. Brilliant multi-tasking landscape lighting design. 

tiki hut at dusk

We Just Gave You Five Good Reasons to Get Out There

One of the best things tropical landscape lighting design can do for you is extend your enjoyable time outdoors. 

There’s so much about your Central Florida yard to love after dark. Stroll your garden paths. Relax beneath strings of bistro lights. Celebrate life’s big moments — and ordinary ones — with a toast surrounded by tikis. Appreciate your stunning tropical plants in a whole new magical light. They cast really cool shadows. 

Get out there. 

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Ready for the Magic of Tropical Landscape Lighting? Talk to Us 

It’s sort of fun to imagine your landscape lighting magically appearing from fluttering palm fairies and mystical dust. 

But the truth is, it’s installed by trained professionals who have to know stuff about wattage and color temperature and transformers.

It’s an impressive combination of art and science.
Too much wattage will wash out your landscaping, but too little is a waste of money.

Where will a wall washer work best? How far away from the transformer can low-voltage landscape lighting fixtures be?

Partner with outdoor lighting services in Sarasota FL who really know their stuff. Let’s get started.

Give us a call or fill out our form today! Our team of Sarasota designers will help you create the perfect wow-worthy tropical outdoor lighting. Sunset can’t come fast enough. 

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